Editorial Policy for 89.6 FM SIKAR, https://fmsikar.in News Website
At fmsikar.in, our editorial policy is founded upon principles of journalistic integrity, accuracy, and fairness. We are committed to delivering reliable news and information to our audience while upholding the highest standards of professionalism. Below are the key tenets of our editorial policy:
1. Accuracy and Truthfulness: We prioritize accuracy in all our reporting. Our journalists verify facts rigorously through multiple credible sources before publishing any news story. We strive to present information that is factual, reliable, and verified.
2. Impartiality and Fairness: We are committed to fairness and objectivity in our reporting. Our news coverage is free from bias and reflects diverse viewpoints on issues of public interest. We provide a platform for different perspectives to ensure balanced reporting.
3. Independence: fmsikar.in operates independently of any political, commercial, or ideological influences. Our editorial decisions are based solely on journalistic considerations, without external interference.
4. Transparency: We believe in transparency with our audience. Any conflicts of interest or affiliations that may impact our reporting are disclosed promptly. Corrections to inaccuracies are handled promptly and prominently.
5. Ethics: Our journalists adhere to the highest ethical standards. We respect the privacy of individuals and avoid sensationalism or distortion of facts. We uphold the principles of decency and avoid any content that may incite hatred or discrimination.
6. Quality and Relevance: We prioritize quality journalism that is relevant to our audience. Our content aims to provide meaningful insights, context, and depth on issues that matter.
7. Community Engagement: We value feedback from our audience and encourage constructive dialogue. We are responsive to the needs and interests of our readers, aiming to serve the community with informative and engaging content.
8. Corrections and Accountability: In the event of errors or inaccuracies, we promptly issue corrections or clarifications. We hold ourselves accountable for the integrity of our reporting and strive to maintain trust with our audience.
9. Digital Responsibility: We recognize the impact of our content online and take responsibility for the social and ethical implications of our reporting. We strive to promote digital literacy and responsible consumption of news.
10. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuous learning and improvement. We adapt to evolving journalistic practices and technological advancements to better serve our audience.
By adhering to these principles, https://fmsikar.in aims to be a trusted source of news and information, fostering informed citizenship and contributing positively to public discourse.
Contact us if any query
Offical Email- contact@fmsikar.in